
Latest versions:
Server plugin: 0.5.1
MVP dongle: 0.5.2
Raspberry Pi client: 0.5.2
Windows client: 0.5.2-1

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Messages - petric

@MartenR: I am sure you already got it.

At the raspberrypi forum they told that MPEG2 decoding in hardware can be purcased (bound to the serial number of the pi).
They refer to this page:

There was also stated that MPEG4 encoding by default was already in the firmware.

And - HDMI-CEC seems also being supported. No more seperate remote control necessary.

Am i dreaming ?
VOMP General / MVP / Re: new HD Vomp?
October 05, 2011, 20:26:57
Is HDMI-CEC supported in this device ?

That would save me (at least) one remote control.

Ok, hopefully a release of your development will get light in a nearer future - together with infos on which hardware this will run.

I will keep an eye on your thread.

i have recently seen a couple of DVB-T(2) SetTop Boxes.

For example the Grundig GUD300HD which has the following connectors:
- SCART in
- SCART out
- TCP/IP Network
- Antenna in
- Antenna out

I have also seen that it is running Linux. I don't know what media processor this device uses.

Could this be a new HD VOMP replacement (perhaps using a custom firmware) ?

VOMP General / MVP / Re: new HD Vomp?
December 23, 2010, 15:08:41

you wrote:

Quote from: MartenR on September 02, 2010, 19:16:03
Well it is the same sad story as with all sigma based devices.

All I can say that I have a potential target for something like a HD Vomp, I am working on it since April/May, but I am still unsure if it will work.
It will not be the vomp software or protocoll (due to technical reasons, I would have loved to use the our old mature code), but something similar.
I will post details, when I get  the first video playback, here but it will take a couple of additional months.


Any news ?

Merry Christmas.

P.S.: If this device you are working on also supports HDMI-CEC it would also be great.
VOMP General / MVP / Re: new HD Vomp?
September 02, 2010, 21:44:21
Thanks, will wait for your "i got it - its alive"  ;-)
VOMP General / MVP / Re: new HD Vomp?
September 02, 2010, 18:42:58
What about the WD TV HD Live Media Player. It has a network port, HDMI, ...

Although it uses the same sigma chip - there is a extended firmware available ( It seems to be debian based.
GPL Source code seems also be available at WD. I don't know whether this also includes controlling the sigma chip.

Maybe someone can throw an eye on it.
I would like a "server mode". This means doing everything for what you need to be on the VDR server.

For example
- editing channels (channel scan if plugin available)
- configuring VDR (timers, settings, ...)
- ....

Maybe you can use the remote plugin of VDR and display the telnet output on the screen.


an ebuild for vdr-vompserver 0.2.6 have been added to gentoo.

At the release process the gentoo vdr maintainers told me that each plugin should have its own subdirectory below the plugins directory.

I think this is a good idea - so i propose the following change:

-------------------------------------- cut ----------------------------------
diff -Naur vompserver-0.2.6.orig/bootpd.c vompserver-0.2.6/bootpd.c
--- vompserver-0.2.6.orig/bootpd.c   2007-02-17 18:25:39.300235973 +0100
+++ vompserver-0.2.6/bootpd.c   2007-02-17 18:26:03.418578373 +0100
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@

   // Open a config file for the given MAC

-  const char* configDir = cPlugin::ConfigDirectory();
+  const char* configDir = cPlugin::ConfigDirectory( "vomp" );
//  char* configDir = "/opt/dvb/vdr-config-1.3/plugins";
   if (!configDir)
-------------------------------------- cut ----------------------------------

if i press the OK button on an empty timer list i get a blank screen. No way out (no Back, no Power-Off, ...).

Dongle is 2.5.

VOMP General / MVP / Scroll EPG description text
December 13, 2006, 21:35:31

on some movie entries in the EPG the descrition is too long to fit into the description window.

Is there a possibility to scroll the contents of this text box ?

VOMP General / MVP / Editing timers
December 13, 2006, 21:28:59

is there a possibility to edit the programmed timer entries.

I see only the "OK - edit" buttin from the list of programmed timers. Pressing OK on a timer entry the timer data is displayed but there is no way to edit it.

Any help ?

If i understand you correctly you collect some data (some seconds of video stream) before you begin to feed the mpeg decoder, right ?

If so why not simply invalidate the buffer contents when a channel switch request comes in ?
The ebuild for vdr-vompserver is now officially in the Gentoo tree. Currently in state unstable (~x86, ~amd64).
As far as i can see it tells the chip to go full duplex.

I have tested the patch on my system and it seems to have no side effects. Due to my limited knowledge to embedded programming this is not a final statement.

For others who want to test it i attach a patch file.

I applied it to both kernel/dev/...  and kernel/dongle/... because i don't know for which one the change was relevant.