Hello Chris,
hello Marten,
as in the earlier version of the RPI-Client (0.5.0) I have the same problem on my TV with the actual client-image:
But I found the following problems with the current git:
TV is restarting after power-off when connected by CEC and switched to the HDMI of RasPi (Panasonic TV / RasPi 3 with current firmware, 'hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1' in config.txt set so TV does not turn on when raspi starts).
The client seems to be more stable and has a longer timeout if the stream does not start immedeatly after program change (for example because of slow CW in connection with dvbapi). So the client does not get a connection lost.
Thans for your development!
hello Marten,
as in the earlier version of the RPI-Client (0.5.0) I have the same problem on my TV with the actual client-image:
But I found the following problems with the current git:
TV is restarting after power-off when connected by CEC and switched to the HDMI of RasPi (Panasonic TV / RasPi 3 with current firmware, 'hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1' in config.txt set so TV does not turn on when raspi starts).
The client seems to be more stable and has a longer timeout if the stream does not start immedeatly after program change (for example because of slow CW in connection with dvbapi). So the client does not get a connection lost.
Thans for your development!