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Messages - edi


Quote from: keynet on July 02, 2008, 16:28:00
What documentation did you use to get Xen working with vdr as a virtual machine? Any hints?

what I did (Debian etch):
- Converted my System to xen-dom0: Installed xen-hypervisor-3.2-1-i386 and linux-*-2.6.18-6-xen-686 plus utils. After reboot the hypervisor runs and the installation is the dom0 now.
- Created a xen-domU and installed a Debian etch plus ctvdr-packages
- passed the two pci-cards through to this domU:
  - /boot/grub/menu.lst:
## Xen Linux kernel options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenkopt=console=tty0 pciback.hide=(00:0a.0)(00:0c.0) noirqdebug

  - /etc/xen/vdr.athome.local.cfg:


Pretty straightforward, no magic.


thanks, works!

#! /bin/sh
case $1 in
  exit 0;;
  sudo /sbin/reboot;;
  exit 1;;

Then you need to  touch /var/lib/vdr/media/reboot.cmd
If you want to run more than one command, replace 'sudo /sbin/reboot' with 'sh $2' to execute the .cmd-File as shell-script.

Quote from: avvdr on May 13, 2008, 20:40:53
maybe you should have a look at the newest media player - see
You could easily define an extension (e.g. .cmd) that will execute any command.


that really looks cool! I'll give it a try as soon I'll find the time.


I run vomp 0.2.7/vdr 1.6.0 on debian etch (e-tobi-repository). My two TT2300 dvb-c-cards sometimes crash and I need to reboot the vdr. That's really odd, because my vdr runs on my homeserver, which provides NAS and other services to my network.

Now I changed my setup, I'm running the vdr in a xen domU, so I don't have to reboot the whole server but only the VM.

Now I'd like to allow my family to restart the vdr VM via vomp. I need to run a shell script through the vomp menu or a custom remote control key. Are there any hooks to expand the menu?

BTW: I found no docs about the user assignable remote control keyes introduced with 0.2.7. How does this feature work what does it provide?

Hi Chris,

I have a channel in my list which sends no EPG info (eurosport via dvb-t). The guide (red button) doesn't show an empty line for this channel, but the program of the next station in the list.

BTW: does anybody know a software for linux to cut VDR-recordings i.e. MPEG2 transport streams?

I found ProjecX ( , in german ), a swiss army knife for MPEG. It converts from and program stream to transport stream (i.e. DVD/SVCD <-> VDR)  and can be used to edit recordings and ather material. It's a java program, so it runs on every platform. Very recommendable.

Hy everybody,

Chris, thank you for VOMP, this is great stuff! I used vdr-plugin-mediamvp before, and the step from that to vomp is a step from 19th cetury to 21st...

I have two points for the wishlist though...

First, it would be great to have support for cutting recordings to get rid of the commercials. I have a 'headless' VDR, so I can't cut the recordings with VDR. BTW: does anybody know a software for linux to cut VDR-recordings i.e. MPEG2 transport streams?

The second wish is support for password (PIN) protected recordings. My children watch TV and recordings with vomp, and I have some recordings, I don't want them to watch (not that sort of recordings you might think of right now :-)... I didn't had the time to setup an development system yet, but had already an idea how to implement this feature: If a folder contains a file '.pin' which contains an pin like 12345, then vomp pops up a menu to enter it via remote control and show the recordings in that folder only, if the pin is entered correctly.
