I am on ctvdr4 which is a debian system and I am using the following steps
to compile the vomp plugin:
I guess the following packages should be installed not sure if some more are missing
apt-get install vdr-dev
apt-get install build-essential fakeroot
After that compiling the vomp plugin is pretty easy
cd /usr/local/src
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/vomp co -P vompserver
mv vompserver vompserver-20060302
mkdir vompserver
mv vompserver-20060302 vompserver/
cd vompserver/vompserver-20060302
debian/rules binary
dpkg -i ../vdr-plugin-vompserver_031005-1_i386.deb
apt-get install vdr-plugin-mediamvp
That`s it.
I am on ctvdr4 which is a debian system and I am using the following steps
to compile the vomp plugin:
I guess the following packages should be installed not sure if some more are missing
apt-get install vdr-dev
apt-get install build-essential fakeroot
After that compiling the vomp plugin is pretty easy
cd /usr/local/src
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/vomp co -P vompserver
mv vompserver vompserver-20060302
mkdir vompserver
mv vompserver-20060302 vompserver/
cd vompserver/vompserver-20060302
debian/rules binary
dpkg -i ../vdr-plugin-vompserver_031005-1_i386.deb
apt-get install vdr-plugin-mediamvp
That`s it.