Ah, sorry, I was surfing the all german MLS forum (http://www.minidvblinux.de/forum/) and got confused...
Anyway, the vdr on the PI states:
MLD> vdr --version
vdr (1.7.31/1.7.31) - The Video Disk Recordert no
dummydevice (1.0.2) - Output device that does nothing
vompserver (0.4.0) - Vompserver plugin by Chris Tallon
I cannot find out the version of the vompclient on the MLD but I downloaded the PI version 0.4.0; there is a difference in size but the behaviour is the same - client "works" but no channels, epg...
The Pi runs Linux
Anyway, the vdr on the PI states:
MLD> vdr --version
vdr (1.7.31/1.7.31) - The Video Disk Recordert no
dummydevice (1.0.2) - Output device that does nothing
vompserver (0.4.0) - Vompserver plugin by Chris Tallon
I cannot find out the version of the vompclient on the MLD but I downloaded the PI version 0.4.0; there is a difference in size but the behaviour is the same - client "works" but no channels, epg...
The Pi runs Linux