
Latest versions:
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Messages - Harry

VOMP General / MVP / Re: New I18n system in CVS
December 06, 2007, 19:57:37
hiya Mark,

does this cover the following "issue" as well?
thx for this hint.
i was wondering where that one came from anyway.
Quote from: Chris on October 29, 2007, 20:07:27
[...]If the media player seems faster then ... errr, great!  ::) Must be magic, I don't recall anything at the moment that should be affecting it![...]

must have been my imagination, then.
about FR 1547495... i'll send a PM.

Quote from: Chris on October 27, 2007, 00:11:54
@ Harry

Quoteyou don't happen to be working on FR 1547495? *g*.

Ummm, no :)

Later. Next release after 0.2.7 perhaps.[...]

oooooh..pity ;)

ok..have downloaded and compiled client and server (latest trunk).
will install and test tonight.

hi again,
- first quick tests showed no significant audio-out-of-sync behaviour in live-tv.
- i can not confirm davep's findings about the option menue with a new remote
  (cursor button function doesn't change after hitting the edge)
- one minor thing though: let's say a show is televised in GER and ENG. when i press green,
  down,OK it turns to ENG. when i hit green again, the cursor is automatically positioned on GER.
  however, pressing OK doesn't change back the stream; i have to move down, then up again, then hit
  OK to make it change back to GER.

and is it only my imagination or has browsing directories in Media Player become faster?
mp3 songs also appear to start quicker...
nice work!! thx!

thanks for this information.
i could only judge the devel status by the age of files in cvs (HTML interface).
QuoteAfter that, it's a audio channel selector for live, perhaps one or two other things off the list, and then a release of 0.2.7.
audio selector would be great. as for the other features..
you don't happen to be working on FR 1547495? *g*.

VOMP General / MVP / Re: translation thingy
October 03, 2007, 19:10:41
thanks for the hint...and...

forgive me.. it looks like this has to be fixed in vompserver:
QuoteIf a plugin displays texts to the user, it should implement internationalized versions of these texts and call the function

void RegisterI18n(const tI18nPhrase * const Phrases);

to register them with VDR's internationalization mechanism.

harry@emily:/usr/local/src/VDR/PLUGINS/src/vompserver$ grep -i RegisterI18n *

am i missing something or was this left out intentionally?

VOMP General / MVP / translation thingy
October 03, 2007, 16:26:17

out of curiosity:
would i have to correct this in vompserver or in vdr?

from my log
Sep 30 21:29:10 emily vdr: [2529] vompserver: no translation found for 'VOMP client(s) connected' in language 1 (Deutsch)
from vompserver.c
cString cPluginVompserver::Active(void)
  if(MVPClient::getNrClients() != 0) return tr("VOMP client(s) connected");
  return NULL;

VOMP General / MVP / Re: Vomp media player
October 02, 2007, 10:16:43
Quote from: avvdr on October 01, 2007, 19:49:15
Hi all,
sorry - have been busy for a while.
Try to give some answers:
1. config file issue
I could imagine to be able to combine entries from both files - i.e. having some of them in the server conf file and some in the client specific ones. Could be done easily.
that'd be great.

is it this you have in mind?
global settings in the server conf that are
overridable by settings in the client config.
VOMP General / MVP / Re: Vomp media player
September 09, 2007, 14:46:37
i'm not questioning the *.conf file theme in any way
but was only referring to where to put the [Media] section.

... you wanna make users "log on" to the MVP?
seems a bit far-fetched...
but this is not what this thread is about, anyway.

VOMP General / MVP / Re: Vomp media player
September 08, 2007, 22:09:16
Quote from: avvdr on July 19, 2007, 09:32:41
OK - this was intentionally - the vom-<any-mac>.conf is for each particular vomp client, whereas the vomp.conf is related to all vomp's connected to this server. And I felt, that the media directories more belong to the server then to one particular client...

i disagree.
if you have more than one MVP in different households (that's my case)
you'll wish for the feature to store [Media] sections in individual *.conf files.

VOMP General / MVP / Re: vomp hangs / box frozen
September 08, 2007, 19:49:58
Quote from: hondansx on August 29, 2007, 19:35:20
I have this problem too, but for me it solved only the problem on FTA Channels.
On NonFTA Channels I often get 'Channel not availabe'

My temporary Solution for this:

if (state == S_PLAY) return;


Maybe someone can fix this right.


i'm trying your patch ...
is it meant to make the client able to escape any hanger?
(my MVP still hangs on unavailable channels)

by the way... its a NICE CVS version.

VOMP General / MVP / Re: Scroll EPG description text
September 04, 2007, 07:24:13
good idea.
consider it stolen ;)
right time to get worried?  :-\