
Latest versions:
Server plugin: 0.5.1
MVP dongle: 0.5.2
Raspberry Pi client: 0.5.2
Windows client: 0.5.2-1

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Messages - MartenR

I have looked in the code and remebered.
This is not implemented. Currently, there are only 16:9 tvs supported.
(Reason was a poor api for analog tv output of the raspberry pi and tv mode switching).

Since I have no 4:3 tv, I am not implementing this (no motivation for the poor composite quality of the raspberry, mvp is much better).
If someone, wants to provide a good patch to updateMode in videoomx. He is free to do so.

Not enough details...
How is your TV connected..., what is the resolution etc..

Fixed in my git.

Interesting I will look into it.

Can you please you use the client from my git?
Combined with a server from git using the 0-4-1-dev branch?
I have fixed multiple issues regarding audio since the last release and there is no use doing testing with the last release.

Should be fixed now in my git now.

VOMP for Raspberry Pi / Re: LEDs of Raspi
October 30, 2013, 07:27:35
Thanks for the patch. I have it it in my git.
But it is only working, if you run vomp as root.

Just one note, you can also use any other keycodes. The names you find in remotelinux.h are only the names, which were made humanreadable. You can assign in the settings dialog any scancode to a given vomp key, the only difference will be that a hex code will appear.

I am not completely sure, what your point is.
The name of the keys is automatically taken from the linux kernel header files during complilation, so the scheme can not be conflicting to the kernel at all.
The keys are then assigned to vomp internal button naming, which is set by the old mvp standard.

I also will not change the standard keys in remotelinux.h, since it will break compatibility with keyboards.
But I have added your suggestions as additional defaults in my git, so that these should now work out of the box as well.
Note, you might have to delete the client config file in order that the changes take effect, or delete the remote setting from your config file.

It is possible, that there is a conversion missing in the timerslist.
For the recordings list, I doubt it, it is working here without a problem.
Except for recordings, which were recorded before I switched the vdr to UTF8.

Yes, you should use the guide but use my git development repository.

Please check my current git version.
I changed the behaviour of vompclient a bit.
vomp now reports to libcec, when it is turned off and on.
It seens that your TV does not  turn a device, which already reports that it is turned on.

You can execute vompclient with "vompclient -d> debug.log" than you get a log file.
If you downloaded the same version for client and server it should be fine.

Looks fine on the server. Please look at the client side log file. Also please make sure that server version matches client version.

Ok, there seems to be another message, than just a key press to turn vomp on.
I will see, if I can implement it without a device that handles it that way.
I will be busy the next weeks, I either implement it tomorrow and push it to my git or you have to remind me after one  month.
