
Latest versions:
Server plugin: 0.5.1
MVP dongle: 0.5.2
Raspberry Pi client: 0.5.2
Windows client: 0.5.2-1

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Messages - argonaut32


I am on ctvdr4 which is a debian system and I am using the following steps
to compile the vomp plugin:

I guess the following packages should be installed not sure if some more are missing

apt-get install vdr-dev
apt-get install build-essential fakeroot

After that compiling the vomp plugin is pretty easy

cd /usr/local/src
cvs -z3 co -P vompserver
mv vompserver vompserver-20060302
mkdir vompserver
mv vompserver-20060302 vompserver/
cd vompserver/vompserver-20060302
debian/rules binary
dpkg -i ../vdr-plugin-vompserver_031005-1_i386.deb
apt-get install vdr-plugin-mediamvp

That`s it.


Hi Chris,

the new version of VOMP client and server 0.2.0 is gorgeous ! Thanks a million for the great work.

Since quite some time I have problems with stottering life TV and recordings via WLAN and I even had to switch
back to mediamvp vdr plugin because I was not able to watch any recordings without serious stottering.

But with version 0.2.0 all these problems are gone now since I realised that
it is now possible to adjust under "Advanced options" the TCP receive window in the client.

Boldly go where none has gone before I just set the TC receive window to 65565 ! Unfortunatly VOMP crashed
after accepting the settings.
So I loaded the dongle.bin once again and realised that now VOMP was showing 65565 as actual TC receive window.

Now I started to test my recordings and life TV and did not experience any stottering during playback nor when
watching Life TV via WLAN.

Thanks a lot that was great work well done.  :)

Best Regards,

Hi Chris,

I hoped the parameter would be in the server software as I have no clue at all how to compile the client :-(

Thanks anyway.


I am using VOMP 0.1.1 via WLAN 54mbit and have also experienced the problem with stottering when watching recordings. LiveTV seems to be okay

Please can someone tell me how the buffer size can be changed ? Which line in which file do I have to change.

Thanks a lot.

Hey Chris,

easy zapping is not possible.

In "Live TV" mode if one is trying to zap with the <up> <down> buttons then the channel
is switched and the epg data of this channel is displayed. When now
pressing the  <up> <down> buttons again one is scrolling through the
epg data but the channel is not switched.

Please could you change the handling in that way that the
<up> <down> are just used for zapping channels and one does not
end up in scrolling the epg data. By the way I am owning an old remote control.

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,
Hi Chris,

thanks a lot for your help.

Yeah setting PLUGIN_CHECK_PATCHLEVEL="no" in /etc/default/vdr did the trick.
So in the end I menaged to get vompserver running. cool.

For an initial code release it works great.

Keep it up.

Best Regards,
VOMP General / MVP / VOMP Screenshots
July 03, 2005, 19:47:53
Hi there,

to make VOMP more popular it might be worth to post some screenshots.

Please can someone post some screenshots here.

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,
Hi there,

I just loaded the files from the CVS into the directory


and then I compiled it with

make all

then I compiled the file into the directory


and renamed the the file to

Unfortunately when I start the vdr I get the following error:

WARNING: The following plugins have been left out due to possible binary incompatibility: vompserver

I got the following versions of vdr running

c't VDR: 1.2.6-34
Kernel : 2.4.27-ctvdr-1

I also tried to copy the files into the directory


and tried to compile the plugin with

cd /usr/src/vdr/vdr-1.2.6
make plugins

But i get the same error when starting the vdr.

Any idea what I am doing wrong ?

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,