
Latest versions:
Server plugin: 0.5.1
MVP dongle: 0.5.2
Raspberry Pi client: 0.5.2
Windows client: 0.5.2-1

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Messages - clausmuus

Hi Marten,

you are right! It was the power supply. Now I use a 1000mA one, and have no more crashes :)
Thank you!

VOMP for Raspberry Pi / Re: default startup action
September 13, 2012, 13:36:16
VOMP for Raspberry Pi / default startup action
September 13, 2012, 10:05:34

is it possible to view a selected TV channel at startup (like the vdr do)?

VOMP for Raspberry Pi / lirc support
September 13, 2012, 09:59:19

does there is lirc support in the vompclient, or do you think, that it is a big think to add it? Or is it alternatively possible to add support for reading the keyboard input from stdin instead of from /dev/input/event*? Or is there a way to control the vompclient via something like the svdrpsend? Or do you know an other way, how I can use a lirc remote control to control the vompclient?

Hi Marten,

that's maybe a good idea, that the power supply is not big enough. I use a 500mA power supply, what is maybe to less. I will test today evening a bigger one.

here I have the logfile with enabled logging in threadMethod() in


here I have the new lo files for you. I have used the newest vompclient Version for this and extend the log messages as you wish.

The HD TV log don't contain the crash it self. the last 10 seconds was not stored. But it contains the first error, that deactivate the keyboard.


PS.: recordings are working without deinterlacing, with deinterlacing it crashes too.
I will also test the recording playback today evening (with and without deinterlacing).


ok, I will send you the new logs today evening.
Maybe it helps you to know, that I don't use a full HD screen, but a 1280x1024 TFT via DVI.

ok, now I have compile the libcec my self. But it don't help.
You can find the debug log at
Maybe the crash is not a vompclient crash, but a usb crash. This will also result in a not working keyboard and network. Maybe the reason is that vompclient makes more network traffic than the older version?


I have found a solution for the problem. If I deactivate the SD TV deinterlacing, there are no more crashes. Also no crashes on HD TV. Why this?
yes, I plan to build it myself. But since I use raspian as development environment, your packages should work for me for now.

Quote from: MartenR on September 11, 2012, 14:04:13
Quotethe libcec should be located at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/. I remember that the vompclient don't start without this lib (as I don't add it first).
Did you make sure that raspberry pi support is compiled in? (Output from configure)
Do you mean raspberry pi support for the cec lib? I use the deb packages prepared by you.

Hi Marten,

the libcec should be located at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/. I remember that the vompclient don't start without this lib (as I don't add it first).
I also use the latest server and latest client version from git (get last night at midnight). The firmware is from 2012.09.09

I will prepare the log file today evening.

Do you know the reason for the keyboard LED flashing?

Hi davep,

is it possible for you, to test this image again your vdr server?


with the latest version of the vompclient (version 76aef7237b9a2f465e4d3d7ef4250eb7a087866c), the vompclient and than also the RPI crash short time after starting TV replay. If I select a SD-TV channel, the system crash after a view second and the vomp client shows the message "Connection lost". On HD channels only the keyboard connection lost after a view seconds. In both cases the keyboard LED flashes up before the system crash and I see some short video interrupts.
With a older Version of the vompclient I have not had this problems (no crashes). Yesterday I have also added my mpeg2 license key.

Do you have any ideas?
