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Topics - Fourty2


many of my recordings contain a "S" element in the file info.vdr, which shows info like "<genre> / <country> <year>",
subtitle or something like that.

Sample [info.vdr]:
C S19.2E-...
E 36313 111...
T Deep Blue
S Dokumentation Großbritannien / Deutschland 2003
D "Deep Blue", ein brilliant...
X 1 03 deu 16:9
X 2 03 deu stereo

If I go to "3. Recordings" -> (select one) -> Press Ok -> Select "Info" and this "S" element is present in info.vdr,
only "S" is displayed, whereas the "D" element never shows up.

In recordings without "S" element everything works as expected...

Any hints?

(MVP H3, CVS-Version of 2007-03-04, working fine.  ;D )
Hello Chris,

can you please inform us, which changes are necessary to compile Rev. 2.6 dongles...
(based on Devscript-3)

Thanks in advance,

does anyone know, which (Kernel-)patches are needed to make a H3-rev. run a vomp dongle?

Could get it to load with "mvprelay", but dongle-2.4 only loads up to telnetd an then nothing happens. :-(
Some patches from mvpmc-0.3.0 only cause a nice reset.
